SEE encourages you to obtain the support of your community to replicate the statewide contest in your school or district. There are a number of ways community groups and businesses can be of assistance:
Serving as judges for your own school/district contest
Donating prizes (e.g., cash, gift certificates, savings bonds) for your students
Providing publicity for your program
Hosting or helping to fund an awards event
Serving on a Laws of Life planning committee
Publishing your students' essays in the media or as an anthology
Recognizing your student essay writers
Hosting readings of your students' essays
Here are some ideas for potential sources of community support.
Your school's parent-teacher organization
Civic organizations such as the Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Women's League, Jaycees (see attached or use local telephone directory)
Local newspapers, which may provide funding or publicity, interview students or publish essays
Local merchants
A local individual who might be able to underwrite your program
Employers who might lend their employees to serve as judges
Local radio stations, who may interview students and have them read their essays on the air
Your local chamber of commerce
Local law firms
Local universities (particularly for assistance with judging)
Fast food and pizza restaurants, for sponsorship or to provide food for your awards event
Retail stores (e.g., bookstores), which might donate gift certificates
A local printer, who might underwrite your program or donate printing services to publish your school's essays