The School for Ethical Education advocates a clearly articulated pathway to promote ethics and character education for schools or any agency that works with children/youth. Stepping stones on this path include:
Affirmation by the school community of an explicit character-education mission with ongoing support from an active leadership committee,
Identification of core ethical values (performance and moral) as defined with a vocabulary of character by the school community (including administrators, teachers, parents and students),
Creation of a school environment where students recognize they are safe, belong and have the ability to make a meaningful contribution to the community,
Integration of character vocabulary into the moral discipline of the school and its activities with specific attention the development of intrinsic motivation in support of respectful/civil behavior, fair conflict resolution and academic integrity,
Integration of a vocabulary of character within existing curricula to advance higher-order ethical reasoning,
Cultivation of age-appropriate student leadership and responsibility,
Promotion of community and service-learning opportunities,
Celebration of student and community examples of positive character,
Organization of on-going professional development that supports comprehensive character education and recognizes the cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of character,
Reflection about and evaluation of character-education practices.