Start an information campaign for a health or prevention topic.
Clean up a vacant lot and landscape with native vegetation.
Start a letter-writing club to students in other states or countries and share stories with school.
Clean up a local stream, park or pond.
Establish a club to help an elderly neighbors.
Write stories about the history of your town for your newspaper or students in younger grades.
Research local service agencies and conduct a fundraiser to highlight and support one.
Make maps of your town for newcomers and highlight useful community resources.
Design and paint a mural for the outside of your school.
Survey your school or neighborhood to find out what gifts and talents people have that could advance the school’s mission. Publish the results.
Survey your school or neighborhoods to find out what people think are issues that need to be addressed. Publish the results.
Start a petition about an issue of concern to students
Create a "How to Keep from becoming a Crime Victim" flier
Paint over graffiti.
Plan a drug-free club for your school
Create a public service announcement (PSA).
Produce an anti-crime anti-drug, anti-violence play and perform it for others.
Create and distribute a list of hotlines or agency links for kids who might need help.
Create a hotline, which gives out hotline numbers for kids who need help.
Work with your school administration to review and improve the school discipline policy.
Research the need to reduce litter inside and outside your school or other public areas and propose solutions
Plan a low-maintenance garden on school grounds or other public areas.
Test school and community drinking water for lead and inform people of lead issues.
Start or encourage a recycling program at your school.
Fundraise for money to plant trees or gardens in your community.
Create a children's interpretive garden
Start an environmental club at your school.
Hold a recycling contest.
Make posters or collages that promote tolerance and understanding of difference. Post them in your school. Start a club to promote peace and tolerance.
Plan and host an Ethnic Awareness week.
Find, interview and write histories of diverse people in your community.
Volunteer to tutor students who need help with academic work or social skills.
Make New Kid Survival Kits for new students to your school.
Learn and create a program to teach about good nutrition.
Interview seniors and report on – personal histories, community, and stories of character…
Teach a class on the importance of getting healthy and staying healthy.
Create fliers to distribute to pet owners about the nutritional needs of pets
Make gift baskets and deliver to seniors.
Help disadvantaged children make gifts to give to other people.
Collect shoes, eyeglasses, etc. for children in a third world country
Purchase or write a children’s reading book and read to and give away books to children in hospitals.
Make "I Care" Kits for the homeless shelters in your area.
Hold a clothing drive and deliver items to homeless shelters.
Prepare food and serve at a homeless shelter.
Create a cookbook and sell and donate receipts to charity.
Hold a food, clothing drive and provide to local charity.
Hold a used book sale. Donate the money to school library or literacy group.
Collect used and new books to give to a hospital, nursing home, shelter, or preschool.
Read aloud to a person who is visually impaired.
Organize a reading hour for children at your school or library.
Make reading or math flashcards for primary students.
Set up a buddy system at your school for kids with special needs.
Fundraise for Braille books for the visually impaired.
Organize a public issues forum for speakers running for local political office.
Hold after-school classes to younger latchkey students.
Create a play that teaches young children how to stay safe at home while their parents are away.
Make a flyer of after-school safety tips for young children
Organize a first-aid training session for your school, club, or community
Create a video on holiday safety tips.
Sing, perform a play, give a magic show, host a dance, or play an instrument for senior citizens.
Research your community and write a children's book with a younger student on your community.
Write stories and story questions to read to younger children.
Hold an "Elderfair" at a local senior center.
Become pen pals with residents of a local senior center.
Create a time capsule with items from students and senior citizens.
Work with senior citizens to create a "then and now" book on themes such as school, childhood games, work, recreation food, music, etc.
Create "need to know" packets for students coming into next year's class.
Create teaching aids for a nearby day care center.
Start a bird sanctuary. Build birdfeeders, plant trees, write journal entries about birds for younger grades.
Create a student-run conference on a topic. Have booths, breakout sessions, and speakers.
Develop a school creed or service slogan and host school assemblies to promote service work
Establish long-term service programs that future classes can continue.
Lobby city/state officials to pass laws or ordinances of concern to you.
Develop booklets on cultures within your school or community. Give them to the library and the Chamber of Commerce
Translate town pamphlets and flyers into other languages to help community members who do not speak English.
Organize and host an event to help prepare students making the transition to (middle school, high school, college).
Begin a youth-philanthropy board and fundraise to support topics of concern to board.
Conduct water sampling of local streams, lakes and ponds and provide results to State Dept of Natural Resources.
Study traffic patterns and accident reports for roads around school to evaluate safety issues.
Organize and administer a school store to sell school supplies and clothing with school logo/mascot and donate profits to charity.